For a while now I have desired to push my work to a new level.
Each painting that I have produced over the last eight plus years has brought me great joy. It is a real privilege to be able to do something I love every day as a means of bringing beauty into this world and at the same time provide a way of life for my family.
But with each painting, there has been a growing vision of something deeper and bigger than myself desiring to break into this world through my hands. And quite honestly there has been fear of even going there, because it is a place of the unknown.
Fear can keep you bound to limitation. But as a good friend of mine conveyed recently, Fear is a liar. Fear dangles a false reality in front of our vision to prevent us from taking chances.
Every year I ask God for a word that will define my upcoming year and lead into what He desires for my life.
This year was clear: "ENTER IN"
I knew immediately that this word was far bigger than me. It was an invitation to march boldly into new territory in life. To step out into promises that I know are mine, but fear had held me back from some of these steps.
I was immediately reminded of the promise that God spoke through Moses to Joshua as Moses was handing over the full responsibility of the people of Israel into Joshua's care.
"And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed."
"Entering In" to the promises and desires of life is so much easier when you know that there is One who has gone in front of you to make the way possible. Stepping out into the unknown is not so much a risk as it is an INVITATION.
So this next painting of mine came out of this promise to "ENTER IN" . It came out of constant and loving encouragement from my wife to take my art to new simply enjoy the process of creation. She deserves credit for pushing me out to create for the pure joy of it.
Some may see this painting as an "Abstract Painting" but it is far from abstract to me. Painting it freely without solid definition to subject matter was the best method of attempting to express visually this promise.
While I don't see myself becoming an "abstract artist", I see the form of this style and method breaking into new works and bringing new dimension.
What challenges and fears prevent you from taking a step this year? Step out and try the thing you really want to, and see what new doors will open!